Yes, yes, yes, I did it. Let me correct. WE did it.
since 11 Years, the german driver license was a burden in my heart. A black spot I called it.
Due to lack of strength and the willpower I started my driver license with 17 years old, paid loads of money just to write the theory test 3 times, which all of them I failed. After having to wait a month, I never found the courage to finish it.
I never felt good enough about it, feeling I failed myself, let everyone else down, it took me another 5 years until I did in 2012 my Hawaiian Driver test. I got it with the second attempt.
All to say, the German driver license beside paying easy over 1200$ it is a big deal for me. A groundbreaking iconic slap in the devils face. I definitely have to give credit to my school who helped me not spend to much money and were really supportive. The biggest Dankeschön though goes once again to God, who through tiny miracles helped me get through this. And I love it. Thank you Jesus.
Besides that, I had to great honor to work with a german Company who sets up / repairs Soccer Fields and equips them with fresh new irrigation. Loved driving the forklift and Bulldozer.
I also joined this year for the first time a teenCAMP as head photographer and I had the wonderful privilege of teaching a couple enthusiastic photographers a little more tips and tricks.
But the greatest joy was, to inspire the teens to hang more with Jesus and fall in love with him everyday.
All to say, a sick, powerful month full of Jesus.